Notes1 By the advent of the revolutionary government in 1959, Cuba had a dynamic banking sector, with a growing domestically-owned bank sector and foreign owned banks which had operated in Cuba for several decades. The Cuban National Bank, the central bank, had been established in the early 1950s. The revolutionary government nationalized the banks in […]
The Impact of the Global Financial and Economic Crisis on Cuba
Notes1 As all countries of the world, the Cuban economy is being affected in a negative way by the financial and economic crisis that erupted in the developed world in 2007/2008. Recently, the Cuban government announced new austerity measures including electricity rationing, a reduction of food rations, and a cut in capital spending in the […]
Cuba: Access to Capital Markets, External Debt Burden, and Possible Avenues for Debt Relief
Notes1 This paper analyzes Cuba’s financial relations with the rest of the world with a focus on Cuba’s external debt. In a world of globalization, countries do not have a choice but to try to integrate their economies as much as possible to the rest of the world in order to grow and improve their […]
2008 Preface
The papers published as part of the proceedings of ASCE’s Eighth Annual Meeting are a testimony to the commitment of its members to the serious study of the Cuban economy and society. The papers cover a wide area of topics including the implications of the economic and political experiences of Latin America for Cuba; the […]
Comentarios sobre implementación del “Itinerario de reflexión económica sobre Cuba”
Notes1 Primero que nada me quiero unir a los elogios de mis colegas de ASCE, Rolando Castañeda, Carmelo Mesa-Lago y Jorge Sanguinetty al trabajo hecho por el grupo de economistas del Centro de Formación Cívica y Religiosa de la Diócesis de Pinar del Río y sus colegas de otras diócesis de Cuba. Constituye un verdadero […]