Papers and Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Meeting
Miami, Florida | August 2–4, 2001
All papers are in PDF format and can be read with Acrobat Reader software.
Table of Contents
Conference Program
ID | Year | Title | Author(s) | Online | |
399 | 2001 | The Economic Impact of U.S. Sanctions with Respect to Cuba | Jonathan R. Coleman | Online version | PDF version |
400 | 2001 | Cuba: A View of Revealed Export Advantage | William A. Messina, Jr.,Eric T. Bonnett,Timothy G. Taylor | Online version | PDF version |
401 | 2001 | Comments on The Internet and State Control in Authoritarian Regimes | Robert C. Harding | Online version | PDF version |
402 | 2001 | Cubas Tourism: Critique of Three Papers | Nicolás Crespo | Online version | PDF version |
403 | 2001 | Volume 11 Appendix B: Acknowledgements | Editorial staff | Online version | PDF version |
404 | 2001 | Cuban Culture and Democracy: Theory and Research Agenda | Aldo M. Leiva | Online version | PDF version |
405 | 2001 | Felipe Pazos, Institutions and A Retrospective View of Problemas Económicos de Cuba en el Período de Transición | Roger R. Betancourt | Online version | PDF version |
406 | 2001 | Cuban Tourism: A Critique of the CEPAL 2000 Report | María Dolores Espino | Online version | PDF version |
407 | 2001 | Perfeccionamiento Empresarial: Entrepreneurial Perfectionism and the Cuban Tourism Industry | Artimus Keiffer | Online version | PDF version |
408 | 2001 | International Economic Associations in Cubas Agricultural Sector | James E. Ross, María Antonia Fernández Mayo | Online version | PDF version |
409 | 2001 | Pazos On Cuban Economic Development | Efrén Córdova | Online version | PDF version |
410 | 2001 | Equipo de Coordinación y Apoyo al Comandante en Jefe: Cubas Parallel Government? | Armando F. Mastrapa, III | Online version | PDF version |
411 | 2001 | The Miracle of the Cuban Economy in the 1990s | Ed Canler | Online version | PDF version |
412 | 2001 | The Aging of the Cuban Population | Ricardo A. Donate-Armada | Online version | PDF version |
413 | 2001 | Some Issues Raised by Felipe Pazos on Foreign Investment in Cuba During Its Transition to a Free-Market Society | Matías F. Travieso-Díaz | Online version | PDF version |
414 | 2001 | Economic and Political Liberalization in Former Socialist Countries: Implications for Cuba | Roberto Orro Fernández | Online version | PDF version |
415 | 2001 | Cubas Perfeccionamiento EmpresarialLaw: A Step Towards Privatization? | Matías F. Travieso-Díaz | Online version | PDF version |
416 | 2001 | Comments and Observations on the U.S. International Trade Commission Report | Gary H. Maybarduk | Online version | PDF version |
417 | 2001 | Agriculture in the U.S. International Trade Commission Report | William A. Messina, Jr. | Online version | PDF version |
418 | 2001 | El Decálogo de Felipe Pazos, ASCE y el Impase Cubano-Americano | René A. Monserrat | Online version | PDF version |
419 | 2001 | Orographic Influences on Vegetation and Bioprospecting Potential at the Confluence of the Bayamo, Guamá and Guisa Rivers | Larry S. Daley | Online version | PDF version |
420 | 2001 | Chile in Mesa-Lagos Market, Socialist, and Mixed Economies: Chile, Cuba, and Costa Rica | Francisco León | Online version | PDF version |
421 | 2001 | Medicare: A Potential Income-Generating Activity for Cuba in the Future | Sergio Díaz-Briquets | Online version | PDF version |
422 | 2001 | A Commentary on Foreign Investment in Cuba | Maria Werlau | Online version | PDF version |
423 | 2001 | Circumventing the Embargo: The Strategic Context of Spains Economic Relations with Cuba | Eric N. Baklanoff | Online version | PDF version |
424 | 2001 | Prostitution and Sex Tourism in Cuba | Charles Trumbull | Online version | PDF version |
425 | 2001 | An Analysis of Decree-Law No. 171 on Private Home Rentals | Ted A. Henken | Online version | PDF version |
426 | 2001 | Imperfect Methodology But the Right Results? The USITC Report on the Economic Impact of U.S. Sanctions with Respect to Cuba | William N. Trumbull | Online version | PDF version |
427 | 2001 | Comments by Alfred G. Cuzán on Inside Civil Society: An Empirical Study in Cuba of Opinions Among Members of Independent Groups on Problems and Prospects for Democratization, by the Center for the Study of a National Option (CEON) | Alfred G. Cuzán | Online version | PDF version |
428 | 2001 | A Test of Culture of Oppositions Power Grid | B. E. Aguirre | Online version | PDF version |
429 | 2001 | Felipe Pazos on Cubas Transition: 10 Years Later | Ernesto Hernández-Catá | Online version | PDF version |
430 | 2001 | Cuba and the Gulf Pact: A Transition Integration Project | Jorge Luis Romeu | Online version | PDF version |
431 | 2001 | Structures of Opportunities, Emerging Civil Society and Transition: The Work of Human Rights Organizations | Enrique S. Pumar | Online version | PDF version |
432 | 2001 | The Cuban Economy in 1999-2001: Evaluation of Performance and Debate on the Future | Carmelo Mesa-Lago | Online version | PDF version |
433 | 2001 | Preguntas Olsonianas Sobre el Futuro de Cuba: ¿Son Factibles una Economía de Mercado y una Democracia? | Jorge A. Sanguinetty | Online version | PDF version |
434 | 2001 | Volume 12 Appendix A: Authors and Discussants | Editorial staff | Online version | PDF version |
435 | 2001 | Comparative Policy and Performance in Mesa-Lagos Market, Socialist, and Mixed Economies: Chile, Cuba, and Costa Rica | Roger R. Betancourt | Online version | PDF version |
436 | 2001 | La Reforma Institucional Durante la Transición | Ernesto F. Betancourt | Online version | PDF version |
437 | 2001 | Socialist Cuba : The Nullity of the Foreign Investment Contracts Due to an Illicit Cause: To Defraud the Cuban Worker | Alberto Luzárraga | Online version | PDF version |
438 | 2001 | Faith-Based NGOs: Their Role in Distributing Humanitarian Aid and Delivering Social Services in the Special Period | Teo A. Babún, Jr. | Online version | PDF version |
439 | 2001 | Rationed Products and Something Else: Food Availability and Distribution in 2000 Cuba | José Álvarez | Online version | PDF version |
440 | 2001 | Cuba en Market, Socialist, and Mixed Economies: Chile, Cuba, and Costa Rica por Mesa-Lago | Jorge A. Sanguinetty | Online version | PDF version |
441 | 2001 | Pazos Economic Problems of Cuba During The Transition: Return Migration of Skilled Persons and Professionals | Jorge F. Pérez-López | Online version | PDF version |
442 | 2001 | The Impact of the Helms-Burton Legislation on Foreign Investment in Cuba | Paolo Spadoni | Online version | PDF version |
443 | 2001 | Response to Comments on Market, Socialist and Mixed Economies: Chile, Cuba, and Costa Rica | Carmelo Mesa-Lago | Online version | PDF version |
444 | 2001 | Much Ado About Something? Regime Change in Cuba | Eusebio Mujal-León, Joshua W. Busby | Online version | PDF version |
445 | 2001 | 2001 Preface | Editorial staff | Online version | PDF version |
446 | 2001 | Costa Rica In Mesa-Lagos Market, Socialist, and Mixed Economies: Chile, Cuba, and Costa Rica | Juan A. B. Belt | Online version | PDF version |
447 | 2001 | 2001 Conference Program | Editorial staff | Online version | PDF version |
448 | 2001 | Una Visión Alternativa (no Convencional) de Economía Política desde Europa Central y Rusia sobre la Transición del Socialismo a una Economía de Mercado | Rolando H. Castañeda | Online version | PDF version |
449 | 2001 | Inside Civil Society: An Empirical Study in Cuba of Opinions Among Members of Independent Groups on Problems and Prospects for Democratization | Center for the Study of a National Option (CEON) | Online version | PDF version |
450 | 2001 | Role of the Diasporas in Transition Economies: Lessons from Armenia | Lev M. Freinkman | Online version | PDF version |
451 | 2001 | Rights and Remedies Concerning Cuban Residential Property | Stephen J. Kimmerling | Online version | PDF version |
452 | 2001 | The Post Fidel Transition: Mitigating the Inevitable Disaster | Gary H. Maybarduk | Online version | PDF version |
453 | 2001 | Nation, Society and Economy in Post-Castro Cuba | Antonio Jorge | Online version | PDF version |