Papers and Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Meeting
The Hilton Miami Downtown Hotel | Miami, Florida | August 2–4, 2012
All papers are in PDF format and can be read with Acrobat Reader software.
Conference Program
Table of Contents
ID | Year | Title | Author(s) | Online | |
924 | 2012 | Religion and Reforms in Cuba | Enrique S. Pumar | Online version | PDF version |
925 | 2012 | Petróleo y rentismo entre Cuba y Venezuela | Carlos A. Romero | Online version | PDF version |
926 | 2012 | 2012 Preface | Editorial staff | Online version | PDF version |
927 | 2012 | Does Cuba Share Responsibility for Human Rights at Guantanamo Bay? | Michael J. Strauss | Online version | PDF version |
928 | 2012 | Political Intolerance and Cubas Future: To Hell in a Hand Basket | Jorge L. Romeu | Online version | PDF version |
929 | 2012 | Cuban Real Estate Framework Laws | Rolando Anillo-Badia | Online version | PDF version |
930 | 2012 | Turismo, migración y proyectos de codesarrollo en el escenario turístico cubano | José L. Perelló Cabrera | Online version | PDF version |
931 | 2012 | The Cuban Labor Market: Availability and Interpretation of Statistics | Jorge F. Pérez-López | Online version | PDF version |
932 | 2012 | The Growth of the Cuban Economy in the First Decade of the XXI Century: Is it Sustainable? | Ernesto Hernández-Catá | Online version | PDF version |
933 | 2012 | Prospects For Reform in Cuba: Is Raúl Castro Serious About Liberalizing the Cuban Economy? | Armando S. Linde | Online version | PDF version |
934 | 2012 | The Future of the City of Havana: The Economic Dimension | Jorge A. Sanguinetty | Online version | PDF version |
935 | 2012 | Situación de la economía cubana | Oscar Espinosa Chepe | Online version | PDF version |
936 | 2012 | The Impact of Cubas New Real Estate Laws on the Island and the Diaspora | Antonio R. Zamora | Online version | PDF version |
937 | 2012 | Comments on Richard Feinbergs Reaching Out | Rolando H. Castañeda | Online version | PDF version |
938 | 2012 | Cuba 2012: El fin de las reformas socioeconómicas ligeras o cosméticas en tiempos difíciles (O la Gran Falacia) | Rolando H. Castañeda | Online version | PDF version |
939 | 2012 | Furthering Cuban Reforms Through Agricultural Trade | Timothy Ashby,Stephen J. Kimmerling | Online version | PDF version |
940 | 2012 | The International Financial Institutions and Cuba: Relations with Non-Member States | Richard E. Feinberg | Online version | PDF version |
941 | 2012 | The Contribution of the Cuban Diaspora in Business and Finance | Leonardo Rodríguez | Online version | PDF version |
942 | 2012 | 2012 Conference Program | Editorial staff | Online version | PDF version |
943 | 2012 | Cubas Membership in the IMF and Other International Financial Institutions and their Possible Role in Promoting Sustainable Economic Growth in Cuba | Joaquín P. Pujol | Online version | PDF version |
944 | 2012 | The Proletarian Corporation: Organizing Cuban Economic Enterprises in the Wake of the Lineamientos:Property Rights Between Corporations, Cooperatives and Globalization | Larry Catá Backer | Online version | PDF version |
945 | 2012 | Oil and Democracy in Cuba: Going Towards Nigeria or Norway? | Roger R. Betancourt | Online version | PDF version |
946 | 2012 | Una isla 1.0 en un mundo 2.0 | Yoani Sánchez | Online version | PDF version |
947 | 2012 | Cuba: La Iglesia Católica y el Estado en tiempos de revolución:Una aproximación histórica | Javier Figueroa de Cárdenas | Online version | PDF version |
948 | 2012 | Evaluation and Design of a Decentralized Alternative to Conventional Wastewater Infrastructure in Cuba | Antonio Díaz,Jhon Cores, Alex Arias,William Rodríguez,Miguel Morales | Online version | PDF version |
949 | 2012 | Cubas 1950 Midterm Elections: The Islands Last Democratic Poll | Ilan Ehrlich | Online version | PDF version |
950 | 2012 | Transition Policies Twenty Years Later: Lessons for the Case of Cuba | Gabriel Di Bella,Rafael Romeu, Andy Wolfe | Online version | PDF version |
951 | 2012 | Volume 22 Appendix A: About the Authors | Editorial staff | Online version | PDF version |
952 | 2012 | Venezuela: El próximo ajuste económico fundamental: Compleja situación en 2012 y perspectivas inmediatas | Rolando H. Castañeda | Online version | PDF version |
953 | 2012 | Entre la espada y la reforma migratoria | Haroldo Dilla Alfonso | Online version | PDF version |
954 | 2012 | Where is Cuba Going? Economic Policies that Have Been Adopted and Results Thus Far | Joaquín P. Pujol | Online version | PDF version |
955 | 2012 | Cuba: External Cash Flow, Barter Trade and Potential Shocks | Luis R. Luis | Online version | PDF version |
956 | 2012 | El crecimiento de la iglesia protestante y la libertad religiosa | Teo A. Babún, Jr. | Online version | PDF version |
957 | 2012 | From Chaos to a Socialist Market Economy: A Contribution to the Understanding of Current Changes and Trends in Cuba | Domingo Amuchástegui | Online version | PDF version |
958 | 2012 | La Iglesia como puente de acercamiento | Orlando Márquez Hidalgo | Online version | PDF version |
959 | 2012 | Social Media in Contemporary Cuba | Enrique S. Pumar | Online version | PDF version |
960 | 2012 | Comment: Cuba and the International Financial Institutions | Lorenzo Pérez | Online version | PDF version |
961 | 2012 | U.S. Food and Agricultural Exports to Cuba: Progress, Problems and Prospects | William A. Messina, Jr. | Online version | PDF version |
962 | 2012 | Comentarios sobre la Iglesia y las reformas en Cuba | Lorenzo Pérez | Online version | PDF version |
963 | 2012 | Cubans: An Epic Journey: Genesis of a Book | Sam Verdeja,Guillermo Martínez | Online version | PDF version |
964 | 2012 | Can Cuban Rulers Rule Cuba? | Jorge Domínguez | Online version | PDF version |
965 | 2012 | Apreciaciones psicohistóricas de la emigración y el exilio | Carmen Díaz | Online version | PDF version |
966 | 2012 | Access to Human Health, Freedoms and Other Standards of Living Development in Cuba | Rodolfo J. Stusser | Online version | PDF version |
967 | 2012 | Market Orientation and Business Performance in Cuban Firms: A Comparative Analysis of State-Owned Versus Joint Venture Firms | Julio Cerviño,Joan Llonch, Josep Rialp | Online version | PDF version |
968 | 2012 | The Politics of Cuban Transformation:What Space for Authoritarian Withdrawal? | Vegard Bye | Online version | PDF version |
969 | 2012 | Cuba Platform Fisheries: Collapse or Recovery? | Sergio Díaz-Briquets | Online version | PDF version |
970 | 2012 | Cuba: Economic Growth, Aging, and Long-Term Fiscal Sustainability | Gabriel Di Bella,Rafael Romeu, Andy Wolfe | Online version | PDF version |