Notes[ref]No discussion, interpretation, results or comments contained herein can be attributed to the U.S. Government or any of its Agen cies, including the U.S. Information Agency, Office of Cuban Broadcasting, Radio Martí Program. The authors accept responsibility for any errors of omission or commission. The authors would like to acknowledge the assistance of Ms. Inés […]
A First Approximation Design of the Social Safety Net for a Democratic Cuba
Notes[ref]The authors would like to acknowledge Miss. Bonnie Kunkel and Mrs. Janice Snow-Rodríguez of the Information Center, Office of Research, Radio Martí Program, OCB. for their document research assistance. In addition, Dr. Mario Ortega and Dr. Michael Dudas provided assistance on pediatrics standards.[/ref] Executive Summary This paper quantifies the 1992 social safety net of Cuba […]
A First Approximation Model of the Balance of Payments, Output, Employment and Foreign Aid Requirements of a Democratic Cuba
Notes[ref]No discussion, interpretation, results or comments contained herein can be attributed to the U.S. Government or any of its Agencies, including the U.S. Information Agency, Office of Cuban Broadcasting, Radio Martí Program. The authors accept responsibility for any errors of omission or commission.[/ref][ref]The authors would like to acknowledge the assistance of Mr. Nicolás Rivero of […]
The Farmers’ Free Market: A Rejected Approach but a Possible Solution
Introduction In Cuba, the non-sugar agricultural sector produces significant amounts of food staples essential to the people’s diet and contributes handsomely to the international trade accounts of the nation. This is the only sector in the country which operates with a significant number of private entrepreneurs (farmers and small parcel owners o parceleros). In 1989, over […]
Current Political and Economic Trends in Cuba
1. Sugar The 1991-1992 Sugar Campaign (Zafra) The sugar campaign (zafra) officially ended in Cienfuegos with a ceremony on August 1st. We have not yet received news or confirmation on the amount of sugar produced. Estimates range from less than 6 million tons to 7 million tons. The guessing game goes on until the leadership […]