Note Authors’ note En Cuba, desde 1905 en las circulares Nos. 11 y 19 de la Estación Experimental Agronómica de Santiago de las Vegas, en La Habana, se divulgó la idea de que “…cada cubano estableciera un pequeño jardín dedicado al cultivo de las hortalizas para el uso doméstico, sugiriéndose que con muy poco costo […]
Marabú, Charcoal, Exports And Dollars
With the dismantling of the Cuban sugar industry beginning in 2000, approximately two million hectares of land occupied by sugarcane plantations, supplying 156 sugar mills troughout the country, became available for alternative uses. Government authorities decided to take out of sugarcane production over 1.3 million hectares, mostly in the eastern part of the country, while […]
Comments on “The Restructuring of the Cuban Sugar Agroindustry: A Progress Report” by Pérez-López
Prior to making some comments on Perez-Lopez’s paper, I want to start with some historical reflections about the importance of the sugarcane industry in Cuba since Colonial times to set the tone for the discussion of his paper. The transcendental importance of the sugar industry was already highlighted over two centuries ago when the country […]
2000 Preface
This volume of Cuba in Transition brings together most of the papers and selected commentaries presented at the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy, which was held in Coral Gables, Florida, August 3-5, 2000. As in previous volumes, the papers and commentaries included here cover a wide range […]
Russian Oil-For-Sugar Barter Deals 1989–1999
The fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989 and the breakup of the Soviet Union in December 1991 became the precursors for the collapse of the Cuban economy, central to which were the Soviet oil-forsugar swaps over the preceding three decades. At its zenith, this barter arrangement provided the financial basis for Cuba to […]